Women Love Tech

01. Discover

About the Project

The Context and Challenge

Using the Double Diamond approach, I was tasked with helping Women Love Tech Users quickly and efficiently enrol in a Tech course & upskill their careers.

The Brief
  • Create an online platform for Tech Courses
  • Understanding Customer Behaviour & what type of courses they are looking for
  • Empower & motivate Users to upskill their Careers
  • Increase Revenue and Brand Partnerships
  • Help build the Women love Tech Community

The Process

First, I need to understand who our Users are and gather insights on their needs, wants and behaviours. Using the Double Diamond Approach, I began with discovering users’ pain points, in order to find potential opportunities. My Research Process included:

  • 1:1 User Interviews women age 18-38
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Usability Testing
  • Final Prototype
Competitor Analysis

Key Insights included Clear Mission Statements, Affordable Course Options, Afterpay, Video Testimonials, Ease of Use, Social Proofing, a Job Board and Partnerships with Reputable Brands.

User Interviews

Key Insights:

1. Credibility & Recognition
2. Financial Flexibility
3. Flexibility of working remote & higher income
4. Skills they want to learn:
Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, Blockchain, UX Design, UI Design, Cyber Security

02. Define

User Personas

To better understand Women Love Tech’s users, I created User Personas based off the Interview Research conducted. From these interviews, I was able to create Career Change Kim to discover her main pain points, motivations and goals. This would be used while designing my prototype to keep Users’ needs at the forefront of my design thinking.

Key Insights:

“I am looking to change careers and earn money in Tech. I heard my friends make a lot of money and enjoy working remote!

-Career Change Kim

User Journey Map

To further understand Career Change Kim’s pain points and User needs, I created a User Journey Map to define key phases, actions, touchpoints, thoughts & feelings she might have while trying to find a new career in Tech. As well as possible opportunities for Women Love Tech to take in the future.


From these insights, I was able to create a Storyboard to showcase how Women Love Tech could find opportunities to help their Users, including Career Change Kim. This storyboard illustrates a user end-to-end journey in their future state while using Women Love Tech.

03. Design

Ideation Sketches

Prototyping, User testing & Iterations

I first started off with Lo Fi paper prototypes of the

Courses Selection
Course Module
Payment Screens

mobile version of the website

Paper Sketches

Using the Crazy8’s Method, I sketched with paper and pencil different ideas for possible Solutions. From these sketches, I narrowed down to a few key ideas.

Digital Wireframes

Sign Up

Course Module

Interactive Prototype

I created an Interactive Prototype on Figma here

Blog Post Title

What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert.

Use your company’s blog posts to opine on current industry topics, humanize your company, and show how your products and services can help people.